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Q - Description of the Windows XP Recovery Console for advanced users? Windows

A Available commands within Windows Recovery Console The fo -more detail

Q - emv pinpad setting supported EMV application can’t check Mastercard? MBxPOS

A in fold \TR_POS\OUT delete all with terminalid’s files

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Q - EYEONET DVR some Guide? DVR

A 1. How to restart Warehouse DVR server PC If DVR server is ON, press [Power],[Exit]. And then [Sta -more detail

Q - File sharing lock count exceeded?

A -more detail

Q - Grand Openning how to do discount? MBxPOS


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Q - how can I ask a question?

A Why not try our last answer

Q - How can I know my Internet IP address?

A Try go here or -more detail

Q - How to change MB GST,PST rate? MBxPOS

A Read the following guide please. If you£qe using Restuarant MB, click here. If you£qe using Wholesal -more detail

Q - How to change MSSQL sa password? Windows

A sp_password @old = null, @new = ’complexpwd’, @loginame =’sa’ g

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Q - How to collect customer zipcode?

A **** 2013/01/15 TR_POS update, Oriental wants to let manager swithcing on/off cust zip function **** -more detail

Q - how to config invoice rule if each day start number from 1?

A systemparm INV_ID_RULE=5

Q - How to configure an authoritative time server in Windows 2000? Windows

A Warning If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you -more detail

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Q - How to configure an authoritative time server in Windows xp? Windows

A To configure the Windows Time service to use an internal hardware clock, you can change the announce -more detail

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Q - How to Credit card need Manager auth? MBxPOS

A SystemParm table add a record CREDITCARD_NEED_MGR = 1

Q - How to define MB printing format? Annual Soft

A May following guide can help you.

Q - How to delete service? Windows

A sc delete ServiceNam

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Q - How to disable or redirect Internet Explorer error reporting? Windows

A Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. How -more detail

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Q - How to enable 2nd monitor display? TR_POS

A SystemParm HAS_2ND_MONITOR = 1

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Q - How to fix Performance couter disabled?

A This is because the following files are corrupted. C:\Windows\System32\perfc009.dat C:\Windows\Sys -more detail

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Q - How to install I3500 UTF pin pad (Netcon3500)? TR_POS

A windows 2k SP3 or above install Paymentech SDK & restart replace \opt\Paymentech\etc\linehandler.p -more detail

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