1) Enter your keywords in the textbox above, seperate by blank space.
2) Select Search Method:
- Freetext (default) : Freetext will use every keyword to search for the result depends on the Search Option you selected.
- Phrase : Search for the whole phrase you have entered. If Search Method is 'Phrase' Search Option 'OR/AND' will be ignored.
3) Seacrh Option: (enable only with 'Freetext' search method)
- OR (default) : match any keyword when searching for result.
- AND : match all keywords when searching for result.
4) Select number of results display on each result page (Default is 5)
5) Select the sort method when displaying result.
- Rank (default) : rank is how much the result match with your keywords, the higher the rank, the closer is the result.
- Date : Creation date of an article.
- Title : Title of the article.
6) Select the sort order of the results.