Knowledge Database
Welcome to TechRider Information Knowledge Database

The database contains articles created by our support professionals who resolved issues for our customers. It is regularly updated, expanded, and refined to ensure that you have access to the very latest information.

Please enter your search here:
Search Method:    Search Options: OR AND
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Sort result by    Order
Search Instruction:

1) Enter your keywords in the textbox above, seperate by blank space.

2) Select Search Method:

- Freetext (default) : Freetext will use every keyword to search for the result depends on the Search Option you selected.

- Phrase : Search for the whole phrase you have entered. If Search Method is 'Phrase' Search Option 'OR/AND' will be ignored.

3) Seacrh Option: (enable only with 'Freetext' search method)

- OR (default) : match any keyword when searching for result.

- AND : match all keywords when searching for result.

4) Select number of results display on each result page (Default is 5)

5) Select the sort method when displaying result.

- Rank (default) : rank is how much the result match with your keywords, the higher the rank, the closer is the result.

- Date : Creation date of an article.

- Title : Title of the article.

6) Select the sort order of the results.